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The Orders API facilitates the management of customer purchases and access permissions for products on your platform. It supports creating, retrieving, updating, and canceling orders, with different types of orders available to suit various business needs. This documentation will guide you through the process of handling transactions, assigning permissions, and integrating with payment gateways.


Make sure you generated the api_token on your store. More info HERE


For all type of Order

First of all, there are three types of orders.

  • Permission orders: Used to assign a publication or plan to a user. Although it grants access, it doesn't count as a transaction in the sales report, and therefore, it won't be displayed in the sales report.
  • Report orders: These are used when content has been sold through external payment methods allowing the creation of users and products if they do not exist; assign a publication or plan to a user, and generate a transaction in the sales report. This type of order bypasses the payment gateway, as the transaction has already been completed externally, and it is automatically marked as approved by default. This ensures that all sales, regardless of the payment method, are accurately reflected in your system's sales report.
  • Sale orders: Used to generate a checkout session in a gateway. The order will remain in the 'pending' status until the user completes its payment in the gateway. If the payment is successful, the order then transitions to the 'approved' status. Once the order transitions to the 'approved' status, it can be viewed in Dashboard-Sales. This order also grants access to a publication or plan, and it will be reported as a transaction in the sales report.

Create Permission

POST /integration-api/v1/orders

Automatic creation of missing resources

When creating sale,permission and report orders, if the user doesn't exist, it's created automatically. That's why the is required.

Body Request for permission

typeOrder typeyesstringpermission
external_referenceOrder unique ID in your systemnostringmax 64
return_urlAn url to return to, after finishing the checkoutnostringurl
unit_priceOrder pricenofloat
currency_idOrder currencynostringISO 4217. All supported for permission. Only ARS supported for sale or report
userUser objectyesobject
user.idUser unique ID in your systemyesstringmax 64
user.emailUser Emailyesstringemail
productsList of productsyesobjects array
products.*.typeProduct typeyesstringcontent or subscription
products.*.idProduct unique ID in your systemyesstringmax 64
products.*.nameProduct namenostringmax 64. (*) It's required only when using the automatic creation of products
products.*.urlProduct urlnostringurl. (*) It's required only when using the automatic creation of products
products.*.unit_priceProduct pricenofloat
products.*.currency_idProduct currencynostringISO 4217. All supported for permission. Only ARS supported for sale or report
products.*.expiration_dateUser will lose access to the content at this datenostringyyyy-mm-dd

JSON example for permission order:

"external_reference": "123-abc",
"id": "123",
"email": "[email protected]"
"products": [{
"id": "123",
"type": "content",
"expiration_date": "2023-12-31"


FieldDescriptionTypeFormat's order unique IDstring
external_referenceOrder unique ID in your systemstring
typeOrder creation typestringpermission
unit_priceOrder pricefloat
currency_idOrder currencystringISO 4217
created_atDate when the order was created.stringyyyy-mm-dd
user.idUser unique ID in your systemstringmax 64
user.emailUser emailstringemail
productsList of productsobjects array
products.*.idProduct unique ID in your systemstring
products.*.typestringcontent or subscription
products.*.expiration_dateUser will lose access to the content at this datestringyyyy-mm-dd

JSON example for permission:

"id" : "03033649-de10-404b-aa8a-8682871001c2",
"external_reference": "123-abc",
"type": "permission",
"unit_price": 12.9,
"currency_id": "USD",
"status": "approved",
"created_at": "2021-08-01",
"id": "123",
"email": "[email protected]"
"products": [{
"id": "abc-123",
"type": "content",
"name": "abc product",
"status": "approved",
"expiration_date": "2021-12-31",
"cover": "",
"reader_url": "",
"description": "abc product is...",
"pages_quantity": 12,
"file_type": "pdf",
"is_free": false,
"unit_price": 10

Create Report

POST /integration-api/v1/orders

Automatic creation of missing resources

When creating sale,permission and report orders, if the user doesn't exist, it's created automatically. That's why the is required.

Body Request for Report

typeOrder typeyesstringreport
external_referenceOrder unique ID in your systemnostringmax 64
return_urlAn url to return to, after finishing the checkoutyesstringurl
unit_priceOrder priceyesfloat
currency_idOrder currencyyesstringISO 4217. All supported for permission. Only ARS supported for sale
userUser objectyesobject
user.idUser unique ID in your systemyesstringmax 64
user.emailUser Emailnostringemail
productsList of productsyesobjects array
products.*.typeProduct typeyesstringcontent or subscription
products.*.idProduct unique ID in your systemyesstringmax 64
products.*.nameProduct nameyes*stringmax 64. (*) It's required only when using the automatic creation of products
products.*.urlProduct urlyes*stringurl. (*) It's required only when using the automatic creation of products
products.*.unit_priceProduct priceyesfloat
products.*.currency_idProduct currencyyesstringISO 4217. All supported for permission. Only ARS supported for sale or report
products.*.expiration_dateUser will lose access to the content at this datenostringyyyy-mm-dd

JSON example for sale order:

"unit_price": 25,
"type": "report",
"currency_id": "USD",
"return_url": "",
"email": "[email protected]"

"products": [{
"id": "product-002",
"type": "content",
"unit_price": 25,
"currency_id": "USD"


FieldDescriptionTypeFormat's order unique IDstring
external_referenceOrder unique ID in your systemstring
typeOrder creation typestringsale
unit_priceOrder pricefloat
currency_idOrder currencystringISO 4217
created_atDate when the order was created.stringyyyy-mm-dd
user.idUser unique ID in your systemstringmax 64
user.emailUser emailstringemail
productsList of productsobjects array
products.*.idProduct unique ID in your systemstring
products.*.typestringcontent or subscription
products.*.expiration_dateUser will lose access to the content at this datestringyyyy-mm-dd

**JSON example for report:

"data": {
"id": "d052f749-6bab-40d7-b188-24fbad7bc97a",
"external_reference": null,
"type": "report",
"unit_price": 25,
"currency_id": "USD",
"user": {
"id": null,
"email": "[email protected]"
"status": "approved",
"created_at": "2024-05-09",
"products": [
"id": "product-002",
"type": "content",
"name": "product-002",
"status": "approved",
"expiration_date": null,
"unit_price": 25,
"currency_id": "USD",
"cover": "",
"reader_url": ""

Create Sale

POST /integration-api/v1/orders


Automatic creation of missing resources:

When creating sale,permission and report orders, if the user doesn't exist, it's created automatically. That's why the is required.

When creating sale orders only, if the product doesn't exist, it's created automatically. For this to happen, we need the product fields name and url, in addition to the fields already "required for sale".
The newly created product will be type "External link" and it will be pointing to that url. It will only be accessible through the API or the store dashboard, it won't be displayed in the storefront.

Completing the checkout for sale orders

When creating a sale order, the response will include a checkout.token property containing an external-auth-token url and checkout.ttl with its ttl in seconds. You should redirect your user to that URL, and we'll automatically authenticate them and redirect them to the corresponding gateway checkout. After they complete the payment, they will be redirected to the return_url you set for your order.
We will add a query string to that return_url containing the following payment data:

  • order-id: The order ID in our system
  • order-external-id: The order ID in your system
  • status: the resulting status after the payment (approved, pending, cancelled)

Keep in mind that a checkout.token expires after checkout.ttl seconds, you can always generate a new one manually or by retrieving the order using the GET endpoint

Body Request for Sale

typeOrder typeyesstringsale
external_referenceOrder unique ID in your systemnostringmax 64
return_urlAn url to return to, after finishing the checkoutyesstringurl
unit_priceOrder priceyesfloat
currency_idOrder currencyyesstringISO 4217. All supported for permission. Only ARS supported for sale
userUser objectyesobject
user.idUser unique ID in your systemyesstringmax 64
user.emailUser Emailnostringemail
productsList of productsyesobjects array
products.*.typeProduct typeyesstringcontent or subscription
products.*.idProduct unique ID in your systemyesstringmax 64
products.*.nameProduct nameyes*stringmax 64. (*) It's required only when using the automatic creation of products
products.*.urlProduct urlyes*stringurl. (*) It's required only when using the automatic creation of products
products.*.unit_priceProduct priceyesfloat
products.*.currency_idProduct currencyyesstringISO 4217. All supported for permission. Only ARS supported for sale or report
products.*.expiration_dateUser will lose access to the content at this datenostringyyyy-mm-dd

JSON example for sale order:

"external_reference": "123-abc",
"type": "sale",
"unit_price": 10,
"currency_id": "ARS",
"id": "123",
"email": "[email protected]"
"products": [{
"id": "123",
"type": "content",
"unit_price": 10,
"currency_id": "ARS"


FieldDescriptionTypeFormat's order unique IDstring
external_referenceOrder unique ID in your systemstring
typeOrder creation typestringsale
unit_priceOrder pricefloat
currency_idOrder currencystringISO 4217
created_atDate when the order was created.stringyyyy-mm-dd
user.idUser unique ID in your systemstringmax 64
user.emailUser emailstringemail
productsList of productsobjects array
products.*.idProduct unique ID in your systemstring
products.*.typestringcontent or subscription
products.*.expiration_dateUser will lose access to the content at this datestringyyyy-mm-dd

JSON example for sale (when just created and still pending):

"id" : "03033649-de10-404b-aa8a-8682871001c2",
"external_reference": "123-abc",
"checkout": {
"url": "{AUTH-TOKEN}",
"expires_on" : "2023-01-01 12:00:00"
"type": "sale",
"unit_price": 10,
"currency_id": "ARS",
"status": "pending",
"created_at": "2021-08-01",
"id": "123",
"email": "[email protected]"
"products": [{
"id": "abc-123",
"type": "content",
"name": "abc product",
"status": "pending",
"cover": "",
"reader_url": "",
"description": "abc product is...",
"pages_quantity": 12,
"file_type": "pdf",
"is_free": false
201Object Created
422Validation error, the reason of the error will be described in the response body

JSON with errors example:

"status": 422,
"errors": [{
"title": "Incorrect User ID",
"details": ["Creation of the order failed due to incorrect user id"]


Using this endpoint you can either paginate through all the orders, search for orders by different parameters, or get a specific order by ID

GET /integration-api/v1/orders/{id || external_reference}?id_type=&user_email=&product_id&product_type=&start_at=&end_at=


Using query parameter you can filter by id_type, user_email, product_id, product_type, or by date range using start_at, end_at.


  • Getting a specific order by the ID in our system:
  • Getting a specific order by the ID in your system:
  • Searching for orders by product_id
  • Searching for orders by date range
  • Searching for orders by user email[email protected]
  • Getting all your orders


idMain or internal Order IDstringnomax 64
external_referenceExternal reference or order IDstringonly if id_type=externalmax 64

Query Parameters

id_typeID typestringonly when we set an ID or external_reference parameterinternal or external
user_idUser unique ID in your systemstringIt is prioritized over user_emailmax 64
user_emailUser Emailstringemail
product_typestringonly when we set a product_idcontent or subscription
product_idProduct ID in your systemstringmax 64
start_atDate when the order was createdstringyyyy-mm-dd
end_atDate when the order was createdstringyyyy-mm-dd


FieldDescriptionTypeFormat's order unique IDstring
external_referenceOrder unique ID in your systemstring
checkout.tokenWhen the order is pending, the url to continue the checkoutstring
checkout.ttlWhen the order is pending, the ttl in secondsinteger
typeOrder creation typestringinternal,sale,permission and report
unit_priceOrder pricefloat
currency_idOrder currencystringISO 4217
created_atDate when the order was created.stringyyyy-mm-dd
statusStatus of the orderstringapproved, cancelled, pending, paused
userContains details of the user.object
user.idUser unique ID in your systemstring
user.emailUser Emailstring
productsContains details of the product.array objectContains details of the products.
products.idProduct unique ID in your systemstring
products.typestringcontent or subscription
products.expiration_dateUser will lose access to the content at this datestringyyyy-mm-dd

JSON example:

{"data": [{
"id": "c9f2b7b0-dc74-4c58-92a7-9dfcf93aed38",
"external_reference": "123-abc",
"unit_price": 17,
"currency_id": "USD",
"type": "sale",
"user": {
"id": "123",
"email": "[email protected]"
"status": "approved",
"created_at": "2022-01-18",
"products": [
"id": "978-987-805-082-9",
"type": "content",
"name": "Lorem Ipsum",
"cover": "https://storage/thumbnail.jpg",
"expiration_date": "2023-12-31",
"reader_url": "",
"description": "",
"pages_quantity": 324,
"file_type": "PDF",
"is_free": false,
"unit_price": 17,
"status": "approved"


PUT /integration-api/v1/orders/{id || external_reference}?id_type=

This endpoint can update:

  • expiration date
  • status

At least one of the two values is required.

status can change as follows:

  • status: paused Only those orders Approved
  • status: cancelled Only those orders Paused o Approved
  • status: approved Only those orders Paused
  • If expiration_date is sent as null, it is interpreted that expiration_date should be removed and left null
  • The status cancelled is a final status which cannot be modified.


idMain or internal Order IDstringyes, when we don’t have an external_referencemax 64
external_referenceExternal reference or order IDstringyes, when we don't have an idmax 64

Query parameterss

id_typeyes, when using external_reference it should be externalstringinternal or external
product_idnostringmax 64
product_typeConditional. Required if product_id is not null.content or subscription

Body Request

expiration_dateConditional. Required if status is null.stringyyyy-mm-dd
statusConditional. Required if expiration_date is null.stringcancelled, approved or paused
"expiration_date": "2023-12-31",
"status" : "paused"


FieldDescriptionTypeFormat's order unique IDstring
external_referenceOrder unique ID in your systemstringstring
typeOrder creation typestringinternal, sale, permission or report
unit_priceOrder pricefloat
currency_idOrder currencystringISO 4217
created_atDate when the order was created.stringyyyy-mm-dd
statusStatus of the orderstringapproved, cancelled, pending, paused
userContains details of the user.object
user.idUser unique ID in your systemstring
user.emailUser Emailstring
productsContains details of the product.array objectContains details of the products.
products.idProduct unique ID in your systemstring
products.typestringcontent or subscription
products.expiration_dateUser will lose access to the content at this datestringyyyy-mm-dd
"data": {
"id": "03033649-de10-404b-aa8a-8682871001c2",
"external_reference": "123-abc",
"unit_price": 12.9,
"currency_id": "USD",
"id": "123",
"email": "[email protected]"
"status": "approved",
"created_at": "2020-04-13",
"products": [
"id": "abc-123",
"type": "content",
"name": "abc product",
"expiration_date": "2023-12-13",
"cover": "",
"reader_url": "",
"description": "abc product is...",
"pages_quantity": 12,
"file_type": "PDF",
"is_free": false,
"unit_price": 10,
"status": "approved"

201Object Created
422Validation error, the reason of the error will be described in the response body

JSON with errors example:

"status": 422,
"errors": [{
"title": "Incorrect expiration date format",
"details": ["Update failed due to incorrect expiration date format"]


DELETE /integration-api/v1/orders/{id || external_reference}?id_type=


Once deleted, the cancelled status cannot be reversed.


idMain or internal Order IDstringyes, when we don’t have an external_referencemax 64
external_referenceExternal reference or order IDstringyes, when we don't have an idmax 64

Query params

id_typeyes, when using external_reference it should be externalstringinternal or external

Body Request

reasonSet a reason why you cancel or revoke the access to the user.nostringmax 150
expiration_dateUser will lose access to the content at this date. If it is not specified and it is a subscription, it will be canceled once the current period has ended, otherwise the cancellation will be immediate.nostringyyyy-mm-dd


idMain or internal order IDstring
external_referenceExternal reference or order IDstring

JSON example:

"data": [
"id": "03033649-de10-404b-aa8a-8682871001c2",
"external_reference": "123-abc"
422Validation error, the reason of the error will be described in the response body